
This training course lets learners grasp advanced skills like ROI, Lead Generation for Business, Google Trending and E-commerce Marketing with the help of viveknegi.com. This course is designed to give Working Professionals, Students, Entrepreneurs, Stay at home moms and enthusiasts the opportunity to learn how to practically shape up an idea into business and apply our proven digital marketing approach to their business.

The Courses offered by viveknegi.com are its own autonomous programs in Management, Computer, Engineering, Finance, Hotel Management and Pharmaceutical (Non – Professional and General Technical Course without equipments) and does not teach any Foreign Institute’s Courses.

The Certificates issued by viveknegi.com are recognition of excellence of the candidate who completes the course & not be considered as degree/diploma/certificate.

These certificate courses do not come under the purview of AICTE, UGC, DEB, UNIVERSITY OR ANY OTHER STATE ACTS.